Dental Implants and Recovery!

June 25, 2019
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If you have experienced the loss of a tooth or an injury to your teeth, you may be considering dental implants. Dental implants are designed to help individuals feel more confident in their smile, while also repairing problems within the mouth and strengthening the bite. To learn more about dental implants, keep reading this blog post.

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. In order for dental implants to be installed, a professional dentist must first remove any existing teeth that are located where the implant will be installed. Next, titanium posts are inserted directly into the jawbone where the implant will be placed. Finally, once the posts are secured in place, a crown or denture is placed and secured to the post, resulting in a natural appearance that can resemble the rest of your teeth.

Implants can be placed into the mouth using local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient and the number of implants that will be inserted. Additionally, a bone graft is sometimes used during the procedure if a patient’s existing jaw isn’t strong enough to support the implants.

Once the procedure is said and done, patients must go through a recovery process. The jaw will create new bone to firmly support and secure the implant after installation. Every person is different, so your jaw may take several weeks or several months to grow this new bone. While you are waiting for your body to recover and the implant post to set, you will receive a temporary crown.

Thinking about receiving a dental implant? If so, contact R+R Dental! You can schedule a consultation with us by calling 516-874-7834. We are located at 754 S Broadway in Hicksville, and we look forward to helping you receive the smile of your dreams!

Dental Implants near me | Cosmetic Dentists Levittown

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