You do not have to be in some sort of dental emergency to seek the help of a dentist. Dental work also encompasses procedures that make your teeth look better. The field of Cosmetic Dentistry actually covers both the aesthetics and health of your teeth. Below, you can find some of the cosmetic dentistry procedures available at R+R Dental located in Hicksville, NY.
Cosmetic Bonding
Do you think your set of teeth is a hopeless case? If your problem consists of chips, cracks or gaps, there is still a solution. At R+R Dental, with dental bonding, a skilled dentist can fill in a tooth-colored material to the cracks or gaps or attach the same material to the chips. Not only do your teeth get the desired shape and look but they also get to achieve your desired shade of white.
Porcelain Crowns
The natural enamel teeth, if kept healthy, are strong and beautiful to look at. However, you may lose some of your teeth’s beauty and strength to decay. You may even need to have some of them extracted. Nowadays, you do not have to settle as being gap-toothed. You can take advantage of the advancing cosmetic dentistry technology and have some porcelain crowns fill the spaces. They have been found to be the closest replacement to the natural teeth.
Teeth Whitening
Sometimes home teeth whitening products can no longer remove stains. R+R Dental can provide you with a conservative approach to teeth whitening. Your treatment will be compatible with your teeth’s sensitivity and degree of discoloration.
Because of technological advancements, top dentistry practices including R+R Dental now utilize state of the art tooth-colored fillings. Because of their natural color, the fillings easily blend in with your set of teeth. Tooth-colored fillings also make your teeth stronger, a function that has not yet been perfected in the mercury silver ones. The new state of the art fillings prevent your teeth from fracturing, something the mercury silver fillings are prone to.
Have you heard of veneers? Veneers are very thin, custom-made porcelain laminates that are directly bonded to teeth that needed correcting in terms of form or filling in the gaps. They are fingernail thin and can be molded into the desired shape. Not only do veneers correct the shape and look of your teeth but they also correct the coloring. So, they are also recommended to people whose teeth do not respond to the usual whitening procedures.